We take pride in the quality of our work and are experts in developing large-scale applications for both online and desktop architectures across a wide range of technologies.
We’ve developed everything from critical medical diagnostic software for thousands of users worldwide to workflow systems that support millions of documents and high numbers of concurrent active users.
All our projects are fully version controlled, allowing for tightly regulated testing, release and deployment.
We provide defect tracking and status reporting mechanisms to ensure that all issues raised during testing are satisfactorily addressed. Our developers are active participants in technical newsgroups, providing assistance to others while keeping up to date with recent developments and issues.
Our developers have experience in writing complex medical diagnostic software for thousands of users worldwide, including blood banks and the military.
Our workflow systems have been scaled to support millions of documents and over 25 concurrent active users, running on conventional hardware, through thoughtful design and rigorous testing.
Licensing costs of software can be a barrier to the implementation of new technologies in many organisations. We are experienced researchers of open-source solutions, providing our clients with reliable and high-quality defect tracking, ISO certification, time-sheeting and trouble ticketing systems. Where no free solutions are available, we can evaluate commercial products and reduce the inherent risk in IT infrastructure investment.
Case Studies
While off-the-shelf products are the most suitable choice for many applications, sometimes they can be inappropriate for your needs. Our skilled developers can tailor a software solution to your exact needs.
Case Study: Biotechnology
Far Edge has been working with this Australian biotechnology manufacturer since 1999, leading development in its flagship analysis and instrument control software. The organisation has since grown significantly in the last five years to becoe a key player in the global marketplace.
Far Edge’s programmers have expertise in software-configuration management. Far Edge implemented CVS and other Open Source tools so that the client is now able to maintain production versions of the software, while R&D continues at full pace in parallel. Far Edge also built sophisticated tools to provide root-cause analysis, release management and version documentation.
Since 2003 Far Edge has assisted the client in the selection and training of in-house developers, ensuring knowledge transfer and the long-term success of the organisation. Far Edge continues to provide consulting services including software development, network support and web hosting.
Case Study: Manufacturing
Far Edge has been involved with this large-scale manufacturing client since 1997, initially providing project resources and later delivering a number of software development projects.
Some examples are:
- development of a document review system for the client’s legal team. Far Edge used its expertise to optimise the database and code design resulting in excellent performance with over 25 users accessing several million documents stored on the same storage device (ASP/SQL Server)
- development of a web-based performance management system. Deployed regionally in Asia Pacific, this system includes online multidimensional graphical analysis (ASP/SQL Server/Analysis Services)
- development of a time-sheet system for the large internal IT department. This system was deployed to 60+ desktops and included management reporting (VB/SQL Server)
- Access development for bespoke customer relations and manufacturing systems quality assurance. Far Edge provided review and audit services for appraisal of third-party software development, including code and database review and recommendations.
Case Study: Travel
Far Edge has been working with this travel agent since 2000, initially managing their network and providing support, and later developing a workflow system for their operators.
Some of the benefits of this system have been:
- dropped the time required to produce quotes and bookings by half
- enabled the business to reduce costs, as well as grow income in a contracting marketplace
- increased accuracy and consistency of quotations
- integrates with MYOB to allow easy financial reporting
- reduced licensing costs through the use of opensource tools (java/tomcat/MySQL)
Development Technologies
Unlike other development companies, we only develop true 3-tier database solutions, to ensure that future additions to the system are easy to implement, and have a minimum of risk.
While we pride ourselves on our flexibility and competence over a wide range of software development platforms, we focus on the following technologies:
- Microsoft C#.Net, VB.Net and ASP.Net
- Microsoft SQL Server, Analysis Services and MySQL
- Windows, Windows CE, UNIX and Linux
- Java, Python and PHP
- Microsoft Visual C++ and Visual Basic 6
- Microsoft Active Server Pages
Far Edge maintains its competitive edge by combining current off-the-shelf technologies with proprietary software construction tools. The result is faster development and unparalleled software quality.
Far Edge is committed to using existing commercial and open-source technologies, where available, to allow our software solutions to easily integrate into your operating environment. For workflow and online applications, we have specialist expertise in .NET, SQL Server and Active Directory solutions.
This approach is made possible by our award-winning generated application technology, which allows changes to requirements to be automatically synchronised with all layers of the system – database schemas, source code and user interface designs. This technology frees our developers to work on higher-level design tasks, and enables us to remain cost competitive, even using 100% Australian labour.